Saturday, January 17, 2009

Smart People?

I used to work with this guy named Tom. He thought of himself as a really smart person. In fairness, he is smarter than most people I work with.

The thing about Tom was that he would always believe something if he agreed with it even if the facts didn't add up or weren't there. As long as it was something he wanted to be true, he believed it.

It seems there are a lot of people like that in the world. They don't care to look into things themselves. They will take what they hear as true because that is what they want reality to be. In the end, they look really dumb.

1 comment:

Love Bum said...

Some people choose to believe the lies because it sounds better than the truth. Little do these people realize that TRUTH in its raw form is the best. Truth hurts, yes, but unless these people with little minds process it well, that they will realize that it's time to "move out of history." They don't only end up looking dumb, worse, they get stuck in their imaginary world. Such BIG losers... Saaaaad.