Sunday, January 18, 2009

K & K

I have talked to one of your aunts, 2 of your uncles and several of your cousins and they all said the same thing. This is between your aunt and me and they don't want to get involved. They also said it wont change how they feel about me.

What makes you two so different? Are you trying to prove something? Just let it go. Stay out of what isn't your business. Nothing you can say will change any one's opinion on this. Just leave it alone. In the long run you will be glad you did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess who posted this on my blog:

To LoveBUM, thank you for loving and caring for KNIGHTMAN, and thank you for showing him the way to whatever it is that he is searching for. I hope one day I get to meet you too and personally thank you. If not for you and Knightman getting together then I wouldn't have open my doors to someone I've known for 31years and finding out that after a failed marriage I can actually move on with someone I can be comfortable with and someone who loves me. From the bottom of my heart I wish you and the KNIGHTMAN many years of togetherness..good luck and GOD bless you both!


Tuesday, June 03, 2008 1:55:00 PM

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