Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ann Coulter Vs. Sarah Palin

Everyone knows that Ann Coulter thinks she is the hottest Conservative. I don't think she is but I'm sure she does.

I'm just wondering if she hates Sarah Palin because she is hotter?


Saturday, November 7, 2009

A New Beginning, But Also An Ending

What do you do when someone says that things aren't working as they want it to and want to move on? Do you try to convince them to stay with the status-quo even if you know they are not happy with what has been going on? Do you think about what is best for them? Do you just let them do what they want and hope they are happy?

It's so confusing because you want what is best for them but you don't know how it will affect everything.

I hope all works out the way you want it to. I hope it makes your life better. If not, I'll be here for you if you need to talk about it.

Good luck with your decision.