Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Perfect People

Did you ever meet someone that has never failed at anything in life? There are a few out there. Yeah, it's true!

These people never TRY anything so they never fail. I guess the fear of failing keeps them from ever attempting something to make themselves better. Their philosophy is "I can't fail if I don't try." They are always there to point out when others don't reach their goals and why shouldn't they, they never fail to meet their goals. Of course, they don't have any but don't try and tell them that!

There are also those people that never fail because there is always someone else to blame. No matter what they did wrong, they can always find something that someone else did to take the blame. Oh, they will say it is their fault but that is always followed by "but". They will say "It's my fault that the cake I made tasted bad "but" that one bought the wrong butter." Things like that.

I know I will never accomplish EVERYTHING I try but that doesn't bother me. I would rather try and not make it than not try and always wonder what could have been. I have goals, dreams and ambitions. I may not get all of them but I may get some and that puts me ahead of those that never tried!

1 comment:

Love Bum said...

Learn from your mistakes. Don't be afraid to try again. And avoid bad company. xoxo, GG as in Gossip Girl not Golden Girls ahahahahahaha