Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New Plans

Well, the new year is here! Welcome 2009! As I say goodbye to 2008 I can honestly say it was a better year than 2007. Many changes occurred for the better. Things look like they are on the right path. Like Johnny Nash sang "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone." It's a good feeling. I am getting back to my normally optimistic self.

I thought up a few resolutions for this year that I am sure to break before Easter! hahaha.

1. Give up soda for the year. I will have to start this one on Monday. hahaha. There was a party at work and I am going to the International Bowl this weekend so I can't start this yet. I am sure I can last until some time in February. By that time I will tell myself that diet soda is ok and that will lead to the real thing. Curse you Dr. Pepper!!!!!!

2. Stop listening to negative people. Did you ever know someone that is always talking bad about everyone that isn't there? Well, guess what? When you aren't there they are probably talking the same way about you! I'm not going to listen to what these people say anymore.

3. Stop believing that things are as obvious as I see them. So many people take silence as admittance. Just because we are silent on an issue doesn't mean we agree. Some of us just see how obvious what is said is wrong that we don't feel the need to point it out. I have to stop thinking that way. People don't always see the obvious.

4. Take a trip to a country I have never been to before. I don't know where or when but I want to go somewhere I have never been. I have a few countries in mind, mostly in S.E. Asia, of course.

5. Try to learn correct punctuation. hahahaha I know I use too many commas.

6. Learn more Tagalog. I know from experience that it is hard for me to teach myself a language. I can do complex equations in my head but conjugate esta? FORGET IT!

7. Take my kids on a vacation. I want to take them to Disney World again. They haven't been there since they were toddlers. I don't know if the oldest will want to go but he may be in Russia for the summer anyway.

8. Lose Weight. I don't think I need to explain this one to anyone that knows me. I am about to be 41. My parents both had heart attacks before they were 50. If that isn't enough insentive to get in shape, what is?

9. Save more money for retirement. This should be easier since I have been able to reduce my debt a lot over the past 2 years.

10. Solve the crisis in the Middle East that has been going on for over 3,000 years. Well, I had to throw in an easy one! hahahaha

I'm sure I will check in December of this year and let you know how I did! Good luck to me!


Anonymous said...

I know Plan #11! Haha. Just kidding!

Happy New Year, Mr. Postman!

knightman said...

SHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone! hahaha

Happy New Year Joni, make it a great year ;)