Monday, May 5, 2008


As we go through life we all have problems that come up from time to time. When we are in a relationship the problems can be with one person, the other or both. How we deal with these problems shows a lot about how we really are.

Some people want to solve all the problems. They take it upon themselves to solve everything. Weather this is because they want to help, they think they wont get help, they think that only they can solve the problem or all three are reasons they are like this. Usually they can come up with a solution or answer and everything is well. The bad part about this is when they can't solve it. Things just get worse for these people. Also, eventually they get exhausted trying to solve every problem that they finally give up.

Some people leave it to their mate to solve. They think they are trying but really don't. Weather it is fear of being wrong or just not capable of doing it, they rely on another person always. They show their appreciation when the problem is solved and they think all is well. The problem with these people is that, like above, the solver may just become too exhausted and finally give up on everything.

Then there are the people that say "Come on, give me your hand, let's do this together." These people realize it is much easier for two to solve a problem than just one. They want to be there for the other person and they want that person there for them. This kind of person will never worry when something arises because they know that together, they can solve anything. They may not have all the answers but they will never stop trying.

I have found that person. Thanks for taking my hand. Thanks for pulling me up. Knowing you are there for me I can get through this. You are amazing.

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