Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Resolution Time Again

Well, it's that time of the year again...the end of the year. Time to reflect on the past year and look forward to next year.

Looking back, I decided to look at some of the old comments here. I got a little chuckle from some of them. They were so mean spirited and yet so misguided. I wonder if they realize yet that what they thought was true really isn't. I guess it doesn't matter because I'm in a much happier place now and things are going great.

I also want to look back at this year's resolutions. I want to see how I did.
1. FAIL. hahaha as expected. I did cut back a little but not what I would want to. Well, there is always next year!
2. PASS! I was able to take an amazing vacation to The Philippines and Malaysia.
3. PASS, sort of. I was able to get a lot of things in order. I guess you can never have EVERYTHING in order. All in all, I think I did a lot.
4. PASS! I started to play softball this year.
5. PASS! I bought myself some things that I normally wouldn't have. It felt good! hahaha
6. PASS! I still hate the place, but it really doesn't bother me anymore.
7. PASS! I taught him a lot and we were able to go see the Yankees play, his favorite team!
8. FAIL! Unless you count any veggies on pizza!!! hahahaha
9. FAIL! I never was a reader, I really need to do that more!
10. PASS!!!! What can I say, it was amazing. She just makes me feel so good!

Wow, 7 out of 10. Way better than I thought I would do!!!!

Next blog will be my 10 resolutions for next year.

1 comment:

Arleah said...

great baby!!!!! *hugs*