Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolution Time Again

Well, it's that time of year again....time for resolutions that I probably wont keep! hahaha

Here they are:

1. Ok, since I know I can't go cold turkey on the pop, I will try to just not drink pop on even days. If that works, I will expand it by the end of the year.

2. Take a vacation. I haven't been on a relaxing vacation in over a year. This year I will take one somewhere.

3. Get everything in order. You know what I mean, personal things.

4. Start an activity that I like. I need to get off of my butt and do something that requires a little physical activity.

5. Do something for myself that I would normally not do because I would feel guilty about it. I really need to start taking care of myself and what I need.

6. Let work bother me less. This started toward the end of this year. I'm not letting things there bother me as much. If I can just get to the point where it never does, that would be good.

7. Teach my son all about baseball. He is really getting into it.

8. Eat more vegetables.

9. Read a popular novel. Any suggestions?

10. Most importantly, go see my BABY!!!


LoveBum said...

I like #10!!!! Hahahaha

knightman said...

That WILL happen this year!

Anonymous said...

If you don't have a destination to travel to, you are lost and adrift. You have a great destination, and the journey shall be spectular.

knightman said...

Good one anonymous. Thanks. Too bad you didn't leave your name but glad you are reading this.