Saturday, November 29, 2008

A New Car

I am finally buying a new car on Monday. I will probably just get something small and cheap like a 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt or Aveo. I don't want to spent too much on a vehicle right now. I'm planning to buy and Escalade next year! hahaha

My current car is a 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva. It runs well but needs too many repairs so it would make more sense to get a new one. The trade-in value wont be much.

I'm excited to get this car. I haven't had a brand new car in about 6 years. I hope this one will last for 6 years.


Anonymous said...

Escalade, I like!!!!! Congrats. Mwahhh xoxo

knightman said...


Well, I ended up getting a 2008 Chevrolet Malibu. It's a bit bigger and I really like it.

Maybe you can help me pick out the Escalade next yesr???


Just-iced said...

a brand new car. i like the sound of it. Aveo is nice and economical. Wish i could get my own car too. brand new :) cheers!

knightman said...

I posted a pic on facebook. Take a look! hahaha