Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Christman Season

Well, it is here again. The Christmas season is upon us. Soon I will be working a ton of overtime. I wont have much time to do things but I will be able to earn some extra money. The overtime should end sometime in January or February.

I am glad I was able to take a vacation before the season started. I really needed it and I am sure I will feel that I need one afterwards. hahaha I know where I want to go and I think it is quite obvious to everyone that knows me where that is. I should be able to save enough to go there. I have a bunch of pictures and posted some. I will try to post more soon for those that would like to see them.

I'm not dreading this season as much as I usually do. Things are getting better, finally.

I am really looking forward to being with Arleah again. She knows why, I know why but nobody else does. I am sure I will be getting asked what the reason is. Hmmmmm, I wont tell so don't ask. hahaha


Anonymous said...

That's a secret I'll never tell... xoxo

knightman said...

thanks gossip girl. hahaha