Saturday, February 14, 2009


There were two tragic incidents of death in the last two days that really hit home to me. The first was the crash of flight 3407. The plane was about to land at the airport that I fly out of. The crash happened about 15 to 20 minutes from my house. In an instant 50 people were dead. Fifty people that were planning tomorrow. As of right now I am not aware of anyone I know on the plane but it is still shocking because of where it happened. We are a close community that bands together in bad times and this is no exception. Even if we don't know anyone on the plane or the one on the ground that was killed we still feel grief and sadness.

The second one hit closer to home. A local man beheaded his wife. The wife had recently filed for divorce and had an order of protection against him. The daughter (I think the eldest child) was a classmate of my son. I'm still in shock as to how a human can do that to another human. Because of this disgraceful four children lost their mother and will soon lose their father.

I have only lost three people that were close to me. They were all my grandparents. When a grandparent dies it is sad but when they are in their upper 70's and 80's it is almost expected. It is almost like there was time to plan for it or that is was just natural. When someone is just ripped out of your life in an instant it must be a horrible feeling.

I know people die all the time. It just never seems to be easily accepted.

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Anonymous said...
