Saturday, November 29, 2008

A New Car

I am finally buying a new car on Monday. I will probably just get something small and cheap like a 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt or Aveo. I don't want to spent too much on a vehicle right now. I'm planning to buy and Escalade next year! hahaha

My current car is a 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva. It runs well but needs too many repairs so it would make more sense to get a new one. The trade-in value wont be much.

I'm excited to get this car. I haven't had a brand new car in about 6 years. I hope this one will last for 6 years.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I was finally able to have a holiday off. It is Thanksgiving here. I don't usually get holidays off so I was quite surprised when I found out I am not working.

I had some plans. I was going to spend time with my kids, chat with Arleah and most of all, EAT!!!! hahaha

Well, I wasn't able to do any of this.

Not a good day. Oh well, it is almost over. Tomorrow is another day.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Christman Season

Well, it is here again. The Christmas season is upon us. Soon I will be working a ton of overtime. I wont have much time to do things but I will be able to earn some extra money. The overtime should end sometime in January or February.

I am glad I was able to take a vacation before the season started. I really needed it and I am sure I will feel that I need one afterwards. hahaha I know where I want to go and I think it is quite obvious to everyone that knows me where that is. I should be able to save enough to go there. I have a bunch of pictures and posted some. I will try to post more soon for those that would like to see them.

I'm not dreading this season as much as I usually do. Things are getting better, finally.

I am really looking forward to being with Arleah again. She knows why, I know why but nobody else does. I am sure I will be getting asked what the reason is. Hmmmmm, I wont tell so don't ask. hahaha

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting Away

Well, I was finally able to get away for a while. I really needed a break from everything here.

It was a great time. I was able to meet more of Arleah's family and friends. They were all very nice and it was a pleasure for me. I was really surprised that most of the time when they were around me, they used English. Their English was not perfect but there was no problem understanding what was being said. I was really impressed by the way everyone tried. They knew I didn't know much Tagalog so they did their best.....thanks!!! I guess being smelly had something to do with it. hahahaha

The week I spent with Arleah was great. We didn't set the world on fire but still were able to have a great time. I wish I could have spent all of my time there with her but I had other things that needed tending. Thanks for understanding baby.

Hopefully I will be returning very soon. More on this later.

Thanks baby. I had a wonderful time.