Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The New Year

Well, it's the beginning of a new year and at this time I usually reflect back on the past year and look forward to the new one. I like to look back and see what mistakes I have made and how I could have prevented them. I think about the good things that have happened and the not-so-good things. I also try to plan what I want to accomplish this year and how to go about doing it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It seems that when I rely on myself only, I can accomplish more than if I rely on help from anyone.
Here is what I came up with.
Well, first the bad things. I went from working days back to nights again. The pay is better but I really hate working nights. It's hard to get a good sleep and everyone thinks you have all day to do things for them. After I clear up a big personal issue, I will try to transfer to days.
Another bad thing, my mother had a heart attack. She is doing better now but it was really scary. This isn't her first one and I was worried that it might be bad. I had to cancel my vacation but that is really secondary because it is my mom and her health. I was so happy with the way Arleah handled it. She was kind, understanding and just so sweet. I don't think she has a selfish bone in her body. That's just one of the many reasons I love her so much.
A third bad thing? Well, I was in a car accident. I totaled my car and injured my back. I have healed completely and I have a different car now.
Now for the good things.
I was able to meet the most wonderful woman in the world last year. She is just amazing. We really hit it off when we first met. I am sure you have read all the things I have said about her. hahaha. I think I sound obsessed! At first I was a bit worried that it was just infatuation. She is sexy and so pretty so was I just letting that interfere with how she was as a person? Well, there is no doubt just how wonderful a person she is. She treats me with respect, dignity and makes me feel like I can accomplish anything with her by my side. If I were to write about her only, I could fill this blog, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one and....hehehe.
another good thing, well, I was able to pay down a LOT of my debt. It has been weighing on my mind a lot so it was nice to see where I was January of last year and where I am now. I should have that problem solved by year end or earlier. That is exciting.
My kids are with me. I love my kids. Every night when they kiss me goodnight or wave goodbye when I take them to school I feel so good. If that wasn't good enough, my oldest was accepted into one of the top 3 universities in America. I'm so proud of him.
Did I mention that I met the most wonderful woman in the world? Hmmmm, I guess I did. hahaha.
Things are becoming clearer for me and my future. I know what I want and I think I know how to get it. I don't need miracles to get there, just not so many roadblocks. January has started off well and I have a good feeling about this year. Many changes in store and I believe, in this case, change is good.